Benchmarc app is compatible with most popular phones and tablets.
You can set up* and use your Benchmarc account either in your browser or in the mobile app.
Using the Benchmarc Web App
To use Benchmarc on the web, please make sure that your device running one of the following operating systems:
iOS for Mac: version 12 and higher
Windows: version 7 and higher
Supported Browsers
We recommend using the latest Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge browsers when using Benchmarc in your browser.
If you're using an older browser, update your browser to make your Benchmarc experience smooth.
Check up additional instructions to help resolving any issues using the Benchmarc app on your device.
Using the Benchmarc Mobile App
Our mobile app is available for iOS and Android. Your device must support the following operating system to download and install the app:
iPhone/iPad: iOS 12 and higher
Android: Android OS 5 and higher
Contact your Healthcare Provider to get your invitation to Benchmarc.