Getting Started: For Industry

Product manufacturers, distributors, self-insured employers, insurers and other non-provider healthcare for-profit groups share common business objectives. These include increased revenues, improved margins, competitive differentiation, legal/regulatory compliance, business-to-business and business-to-consumer engagement, and key opinion-leader recruitment. Most of this business imperatives are typically intertwined.

Moreover, management must accommodate clinical and scientific legitimacy, as well as strict legal and ethical environments, in pursuing the usual business drivers.

Properly identifying and exploiting the enormous of real-world evidence generated daily by existing and potential customers is a powerful way to advance a company’s commercial objectives in an ethically and legally legitimate manner. RegenMed provides the platforms and services enabling its corporate clients to do so.

The steps involved in designing such a program comprise:

  1. A discussion among RegenMed and the relevant stakeholders (business development, medical affairs, legal, IT, for example.) Discovery during that call will focus on:
    1. Principal near-term commercial objectives, relevant product or product categories, current go-to-market and salesforce structure and tactics, applicable legal/regulatory/ethical guidelines, desired regulatory submissions (IDE, 510-K, post-market, etc.)
    2. Existing pertinent resources (key opinion leaders, ongoing studies, supported medical societies and conferences, CME programs, virtual events, research grants, publication programs).
    3. Relevant advantages/disadvantages compared with competitive products.
    4. Apparent new indications for product(s) in question.
    5. Areas for early proof of concept.

  2. The joint design of one or two “proof-of-concept” Circles, taking advantage of:
    1. Current thought-leader customers with existing patient panels generating real-world evidence relevant to selected objectives.
    2. One or two key clinical data-points of interest in the context of the specific indication and typical treatment protocol.
    3. Appropriate outcomes measures/scoring groups and follow-up periods relevant to those clinical data-points.
    4. A suitable population size and criteria.
    5. Desired select-content publication opportunities: Client and practitioner website(s), social media, Circle Academies, conferences.
    6. Potential industry support.
    7. Agreement on initial key performance indicators.

  3. Execution. RegenMed Products and Services are turnkey, and are easily integrated with each other. The Company can handle virtually all functions on behalf of the Client if desired. The goal is clinical efficiency for the client, and a demonstrable, meaningful return on investment.
  4.  Scaling. Since they are based on SaaS platforms, the number and type of Cases, Investigators, Circles, publication frequency and channels, and other parameters can be easily and cost-efficiently scaled.

Contact us today to discuss your specific mission, membership and/or funding objectives.