Each observational protocol follows a heirarchy structure. This hierarchical structure involves three different version of a specific protocol.
The versioning structure is as follows:
- Root Protocol – The initial version of the protocol. (e.g., Knee OA PRP)
- Circle Protocol - A version of the protocol adjusted to the requirements of a particular circle. (e.g., Regen Med Knee OA PRP)
- Subscriber Protocol – A version of the protocol adjusted to the requirements of a particular user (e.g., John Smith Knee OA PRP)
All parts of a observational protocol can be fully customized. Some common customization request are the following:
- Add required surveys to a protocol
- Add questions to surveys
- Delete unnecessary parts of a protocol
- Change the scheduling and delegates of surveys.
Data points
All data collected from cases shared within the root protocol will be displayed/reflected in your reports and statistics.
Contact your Account Manager for more details.