Adding Indication/Treatment to Patient Report

Only the Circle administrator can manage Circle indication and treatment.

1 Circle = 1 Pathology description = 1 Treatment description

Thus, every patient within your circle will have one and the same treatment and pathology description.

To add/edit a treatment description:

  1. Go to Circles at the left navigation and select the required circle from the list
  2. Scroll the screen till the bottom and find the field “Treatment”
  3. Click EDIT at the top right of the field
  4. Start typing the name of the treatment you’re looking for. Select the required treatment from the suggested list
  5. Click SAVE

To add/edit indication:

  1. Go to Circles at the left navigation and select the required circle from the list
  2. Scroll the screen till the bottom and find the field “Indication”
  3. Click EDIT at the top right of the field
  4. Start typing the name of the indication you’re looking for. Select the required indication from the suggested list
  5. Click SAVE