Physicians-Owned Circles For Independent Practices

September 27, 2024
 Table Of Contents




The Business Reality of Independent Practices

Monetizing Real-World Datasets

Physicians-Owned Circles


End-Points – Only The Right Questions

Minimal Clinical Burden, Minimal Cost

Benefits of Physician Ownership

Dataset Monetization

Consulting Fees




Patient Engagement

RegenMed As A Partner


Physician-Owned Circle Library

Principal Investigator

Core Sub-Investigators


Illustrative Financial Impact Of Physicians-Owned Circles


Illustrative Practice Profit and Loss Statement

Illustrative Practice Balance Sheet

Executive Summary

Independent medical practices can materially improve their recurring revenues and equity value through the development and monetization of high-quality real-world datasets.

RegenMed’s Physicians-Owned Circles (POCs) provide an integrated, low-cost, and minimally burdensome way to do so.

Independent practitioners are often at the forefront of medical advances. As such, their real- world data – if properly aggregated – is valuable for product manufacturers, distributors, payers, self-insured employers, research groups and AI healthcare learning models.

POC Members own 75% of all license and other transaction value generated by their real- world datasets.

The Independent Medical Practice

In principle, most physicians prefer to own and operate their own practices. They can choose their patient panels, engage with and treat those patients according to their best clinical judgment, set their own hours, earn more, and be their own bosses.

The reality however is challenging. Physicians are trained in medicine, not business. Payers, product vendors, and malpractice insurers favor hospitals. Independent practices, even the larger ASCs and groups, are in a weak bargaining position. Most patients are reluctant to pay out-of-pocket. Independent practices are often one uncovered claim, one large rent increase, one partnership dispute away from closing.

Meaningful professional collaboration with peers is also difficult for independent practitioners. In contrast, hospital employed physicians have the benefit of M&M meetings, mentors, professional colleagues, research departments, training, formalized educational opportunities, and administrative support.

The result is that each year more doctors become corporate employees – whether for hospital groups, insurance companies, private equity controlled groups, or other organizations. This is a major loss for patients, the advance of medicine, and the clinicians themselves.

The Non-Monetized Value Of Real-World Datasets

The Business Reality of Independent Practices

The profit and loss statement for an independent medical practice typically shows a single revenue line – patient fees. (Other revenue lines – sales of nutraceuticals, etc. – are rarely meaningful.) Even worse, the balance sheet typically shows no equity. Once the physician partners leave, there is no value to a “business” often representing decades of work.

This is a fundamental paradox, since each practice creates – but does not capture – large amounts of one of medicine’s most valuable assets – real-world data. Product manufacturers, payers, employer groups, research organizations will all pay substantial amounts for that data.

Real world datasets represent important new revenue lines and genuine practice equity for the independent practitioner. Moreover, the value of such datasets increases over time – more cases (a higher n-value), longer term outcomes capture, and more “serendipitous” correlations.

Monetizing Real-World Datasets

Like any clinical study dataset, real-world datasets are valuable only to the extent they are well structured, clinically and statistically significant, validatable, and free of bias. (These characteristics are typically represented by Good Clinical Practice and, in the United States, 21 CFR Part 11.)

A common monetization model for such datasets is licensing; other models include study fees, honoraria, royalties, product-discounts, reimbursement, and higher fees for service. Importantly, a single dataset can be monetized through several models, and over many time periods.

Physicians-Owned Circles

RegenMed’s Physicians-Owned Circles provide independent practitioners with an integrated, minimally burdensome and low-cost solution to monetize the substantial value inherent their real-world datasets.

How Do Physician-Owned Circles Work?

End-Points – Only The Right Questions

RegenMed regularly publishes POC study protocols focusing on specific anatomical regions, pathologies, treatment protocols, and standardized assessment scores. (A medical practice can also request a study protocol to accommodate its specific patient panel.)

Each POC study protocol is designed to develop statistically significant datasets of value to product manufacturers, payers, self-insured employer groups, and other licensees.

Minimal Clinical Burden, Minimal Cost                                                                

RegenMed’s patented technical platform and processes ensure minimal burden on the practitioner and his staff. Typically, fewer than sixty seconds per case. The cost is only $5 per Case and $35 per month, and can be cancelled at any time. This means virtually no risk for the practitioner.

Benefits of Physician Ownership                                                                              

Members of a POC jointly own 85% of the resulting aggregated datasets, and 75% of the value generated at any time from those datasets through license fees, royalties and similar payments.

Each individual POC Member shares in that 75% in direct proportion to the data she contributes to the monetized dataset, and the Principal Investigator receives an additional 10%.

Each POC Member receives immediate and ongoing value from engaging in one or more POCs:

Dataset Monetization

Within six months – and a monthly cost per Member of as low as $85 for each POC – each POC Member can own a statistically and clinically significant dataset with meaningful and growing value to a variety of healthcare constituencies.

Consulting Fees

Participating in a POC identifies each Member as an influencer among his peers and patients. By pursuing publication and speaking opportunities, most practitioners can develop honoraria and consulting fees.


Each POC Member is participating in a statistically significant clinical study. Through regular aggregated data reports, commentary and Circle Hours, RegenMed makes that collaboration actionable for all Members.


A POC dataset, buttressed by the collaboration among its Members, is the foundation of journal articles, conference presentations, social media posts and other publication opportunities.


Independent practitioners are often at the forefront of medical therapies. Validatable and statistically significant real-world datasets – especially those developed in collaboration with other respected clinicians -- are important for early identification of potential adverse effects, lower insurance premiums, defense of marketing claims, and addressing FDA and state regulatory inquiries.

Patient Engagement

Participating in clinical studies directly relevant to a patient’s indication – and involving them in that study – is a powerful form of patient engagement. It helps attract new patients and retaining existing ones. It can lead to new evidence-based treatment protocols, as well as higher practice margins.

RegenMed As A Partner

Throughout the POC process, RegenMed acts as a business partner in maximizing the value of POC datasets. Especially given the low Case and monthly Subscription charges, RegenMed is strongly incentivized to achieve meaningful and sustained monetization for all POC Members.

Getting Started

Physician-Owned Circle Library

Visit RegenMed’s growing POC Library to find one or more POCs relevant to your practice. Filter according to anatomical region, pathology, treatment type and/or outcomes measure. For any POC you wish to join, complete and submit the provided short form.

Principal Investigator

Each POC has at least one Principal Investigator, who works closely with RegenMed in finalizing the study protocol and qualifying POC Members. Principal Investigators receive an additional share of dataset monetization. If you are interested in becoming a Principal Investigator for a particular POC, whether or not one already exists, please contact us.

Core Sub-Investigators

Each POC starts with about ten Investigators, who are committed to developing a monetizable dataset over a minimum of six months. (The longer the dataset is developed, the more valuable it becomes.) From that core group of investigators, the POC is able to expand quickly, subject to new Member approval by the Principal Investigator and RegenMed.


From the formation of a POC, and continually thereafter, RegenMed works to develop monetization opportunities. It also reports regularly to Members on the growth and quality of their POC dataset, as well as on significant monetization developments.

Illustrative Financial Impact Of Physicians-Owned Circles

The Appendices provide a pro-forma Profit and Loss Statement and a pro-forma Balance Sheet for an illustrative medical practice reflecting hypothetical near-term and longer-term financial benefits of participating in Physicians-Owned Circles. Actual results will of course depend on many variables.


Illustrative Practice Profit and Loss Statement

Illustrative Practice Balance Sheet

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