Accepting an Invitation to a Circle

In this article you will learn how to:

If You're a First Time InCytes User

  1. Click REGISTER NOW in the invitation email.
2. Sign Up
How to Accept an Invitation to a Circle 2
3. Once you have successfully registered, you will be directed to your personalized dashboard.
4. In the left-hand navigation, select Circles to reach the Circles Overview Page. On the Circle Overview Page, you will be able to view, access, and use your new Circle.
Circles tab

If You're an Existing inCytes User:

Subscriber's team members can accept or decline Circle invitations for the subscriber.

  1. Follow the link (ACCEPT INVITATION) in the invitation email.
  2. Sign in to your account.
  3. On your dashboard, view your My Alerts.  At the top of your alerts,  find your Circle invitation, and click the three buttons to the right.
    How to Accept an Invitation to a Circle 5
  4. Select Accept and you should now be able to view, access and use your new Circle
    How to Accept an Invitation to a Circle 6

Declining the Invitation

If you are not interested in accepting the Circle invitation, you may decline it.

If the Circle invitation involves a funded subscription assigned to you, declining the invitation will block your access to the platform until you receive another funded invitation.