An observational protocol is the specific set of surveys and queries designed to capture clinical evidence against a particular data subject, such as a patient.
They are configurable down to the query, allowing users to design efficient observational protocols for a broad number of use cases. Once designed, observational protocols are placed with circles, where they can be easily accessed and shared among circle members. They ensure, regardless of the possible responses, that all data shared among members is standardized and clinically useful.
Sometimes, observational protocols can share a common "canonical" set of surveys and/or queries. For example, two observational protocols may capture hair color, but one also captures eye color. If a user applies the greater of the two observational protocols, they can share that the canonical case results across both. This is particularly beneficial for users who belong to many, similarly focused сircles.
Moreover, the subscribers can decide whether they want to use the protocol that the other circle members use or to create their own protocol (based on the common circle protocol). In addition, you have the ability to add short, patient-friendly alias to the protocol name that will be displayed at the Patient Portal so that not overload your patients with unnecessary information.