Surveys are electronic case report forms (e-CRFs) which are designed to be completed by one user at one point in time.
Surveys comprise custom-designed queries related to a specific topic, such as outcomes, clinical methodologies, lab testing, and more. They also feature important logic to help ensure accurate, efficient, and if needed, longitudinal capture.
Key Logic includes:
- Due Dates, relative the dates of commencement and , upon which trigger actions or alerts.
- Delegates to whom the survey is assigned or sent by email, including clinical staff, patients, or others.
- Emailing, enabling the survey, when applied to a specific case, to be sent automatically to the patient's email.
- Repetition, to enable the same survey to be completed multiple times, each time recorded, such as used in outcome measurements.
- Time-Stamping, ensuring every survey and associated data record the exact time of survey completion.